Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Why does the news bore me now?

About 5 years ago, at one point, I subscribed to 3 different papers: NYT, WSJ and Washington Post. Now, I'm surprised if I read past the 3rd headline on I used to be so interested in what all those folks had to say, the editorials, international section, etc. I would spend hours on reading the paper each day.

While I still feel that that was a worthwhile way to spend my time, I just don't care as much about it anymore. I just cannot force myself to be too interested in the news for very long. Using the j-word is annoying, so I won't do it. What's the explanation here? Am I an apathetic loser?

Then again, what good does being informed of every detail that goes on in the world do if you don't do anything to change it? When I was a news-junkie I was also an activist. Now I'm not an activist, so who the fuck cares.
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