Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Oh man, I've been doing this blog for 4 years as of today.

It's annoying to spend more than ten sentences per year blogging about blogging but I deserve it after four years putting out nearly two half-interesting posts per week. Some notes:

#1 - Nerds have hang-ups about being nerds --- and many bloggers are bona fide nerdy nerds, who never tire of writing about their own nerdiness. (Also, many nerds are jealous of the nerds who write nerdery blogs). Not being a nerd myself, it never bothered me when people commonly said blogging was nerdy back around 2004-2005. Now blogging is as commonplace as the news so all you nerds who called this non-nerd a nerd can suck it.

#2 - One main thing that keeps a blog going is having real experiences worth blogging about. Otherwise, you're just examining the Internet flotsam that drifts into your figurative navel.

#3 - I have no intention of quitting, despite the fact that the blog has gotten me in trouble a few times in my personal life. This blog is for my friends, a few loyal readers whom I've never met face-to-face over the years, sailors, and people who google the words "shit talking quotes" --- guess that's everyone. I love you guys. You folks who keep reading that I don't actually know should come to my home bar for an exotic cocktail. On second thought, I'm going to have an Obama fundraiser later in the summer and I will extend an invite to all my readers to join me. I truly hope you will.

I'm glad I came across your neck of the woods.
I probably won't make your Obamafest but if you're ever in Seattle, feel free to hit me up for a beer.

What got you in trouble?
I know...

Too many to list.
Dude, You are a nerd, King nerd in fact, Let's some up:

1) You blog
2) you have beagles
3) your mama dresses you funny
4) We all saw that Moustache
5) you play Magic the gathering
6) sailing?!?!?!?!
7) Fall out boy

Beats being a super geek like me!

I just got a F.S.M. bumber sticker!

Ok, you're right. Magic the Gathering negates every un-nerdy thing I've done my entire life. Damn.
I really want to come to the Obama fundraiser. Tell me you weren't joking because that's just cruel. And you shouldn't be cruel on your blogbirthday thingy.
Dude, your blog rocks. It's one of the best reads I have in my feed reader.

Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks guys!

I'm not joking about the Obama fundraiser. It will probably be in August. I'll be selling cocktails and all funds go to Mr. Barack. TBA. I promise.
Happy anniversary LB. Drink one for me pal.
I might photoshop myself into your home-bar, that will make me feel un-nerdy. Great blog, can't remember how I found it but am glad I did.

You're always welcome to come for a sail or dinner if you visit the Land of the Oaks.
Happy birthday blog!

you're the only blog I read so every time I venture out to other blogs the standard is too high and they are all boring.

keep it up - it's already a legend and a legacy.

You oughta be proud, Lonnie -- unlike most bloggers who just spout opinions, you actually go places and do shit and take pictures and blog about it.

I heap praise in your general direction.

--Random Libertarian
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